Blogs by The Data Whisperer

The Five Pillars Of Master Data

The Story Of Foundational Data : Comma Group Excerpt Part 3

The Current State of Data Management Storytelling : Comma Group Excerpt Part 2

Everything We Do Today Turns To Data : Comma Group Excerpt Part 1

The Dearth of Master Data is the Inconvenient Truth
You will find that your future holds a reality where data is everywhere, business relationships multiply, and everything assumes a programmatic manner and feel. But while this may seem…

In This Data-Driven World, You Won’t Get Far Without Master Data Fuel
Organizations need a standardized way to connect their data sources with a master data framework at the core of their business operations.

The Journey to Master Data Leads to Benefits at Every Step
Master Data can strengthen strategy, drive innovation, and improve customer engagement. But you have to start somewhere.

Make It Your Year of Better Data
A New Year always means resolution time and most of us are resolved as we turn the calendar to improve our health: Eat right, more exercise, stop smoking, we all know the list.

Surviving The Data Revolution
Digital Transformation can mean a lot of different things to different people. But for everyone it means dealing with more data than ever before…

Truth Before Meaning
There is Data and there is Analytics. They work together. They need each other. These two things are linked, but it helps to think of them separately.

It's Always Standard(s) Time!
HAPPY WORLD STANDARDS DAY. It is a day to celebrate those who work tirelessly to create and maintain business and technical standards that help everything else work.

Why your data management program is the foundation for digital transformation success ebook

Why your digital transformation efforts won’t succeed without great business data ebook

AVOIDING THE PITFALLS: Master Data and Your Digital Transformation

TOP DIGITAL INITIATIVES: Master Data and Your Digital Transformation

THE PROCESS FOR DATA TEAMS: Master Data and Your Digital Transformation

TECHNOLOGY TRENDS: Master Data and Your Digital Transformation

DEFINING DX: Master Data and Your Digital Transformation

Winshuttle: Bring Your Data With You
The data that brought you so much value in your legacy system is the same data that needs to be moved into its new home. Master data is what mobilizes your data to flow from system to system, old to new, marketing to sales, ops to finance, headquarters to field-level, local to global.
Beyond Silo-Breaking: Building a Trusted Data Ecosystem with Scott Taylor
Scott Taylor - The Data Whisperer – an evangelist for how data can transform supply chains and streamline fulfillment. Sharing data across the supply chain ecosystem is complex. An effective data ecosystem builds trust and supports interoperability at scale.