MDM can equal? PAIN! It does equal pain. I've been in the space long enough that I've learned people don't use those kind of nice business euphemisms like “we have a challenge” or “we have a hurdle” They talk about physical pain. I'm going to show you what pain looks like.
What is Master Data? A simple explanation.
Master Data is a single source of common business data used across multiple systems, applications, and processes. It's the nouns of the business. Your customers, your vendors, your partners, your prospects, your brands, your services. The things you make, the people you buy from and sell to.
If I had a minute with your CEO about Data Quality
If I had a minute with a CEO and I'm trying to pitch them I wouldn't whine about data quality I’d say we don't have a common definition and a common structure for our customer. There's not a CEO who thinks that they should have better data quality. That’s not what they are thinking about.
The Golden Rule of Data
The Golden Rule of Data: What you put in is what you come out with. Master data feeds every type of enterprise system. As we say “rubbish in, rubbish out - garbage in, garbage out.” So do upon your data as you would have it do upon you.
The 5 Pillars of Master Data
How do we articulate this to the business? How do they understand what we do? Think about the 5 Pillars of Master Data In terms of managing it : Value. Value, Structure, Connectability, Coverage and Quality These aren't totally rank order but I'm going to end with quality because that's where most people start.
Master Data IS the foundation of Digital Transformation
Digital transformation can mean a lot of things to a lot of people but one thing it means to everybody, every organization, is that you've got more data now than you ever had before and you need new ways to manage it, that you never thought of before, to do things you never imagined before.
4Cs of Master Data Part 2 - Deep Dive
If you can establish those 4Cs: code, company, category, country, a lot of data problems go away. You know where everything is. You know what kind of thing it is. You know who owns it. And you know it's unique.
4Cs of Master Data Part 1 - Overview
When you're trying to codify a relationship, when you're trying to structure a relationship, we find that these 4Cs help simplify the process. Every entity, every record, every relationship needs to have these 4Cs: code, company, category, and country.
Master Data vs MDM
MDM stands for master data management. It's a type of software. The purpose of it is to create the Master Data content. MDM vs Master Data: These two things are inextricably linked but they are separate. every car needs gas, every kitchen needs food, all plumbing needs water.
The Super Hero Adventures of **Master Data**
This is Enterprise City. A utopia of interoperability, where data flows seamlessly across integrated ecosystems, but it wasn't always like this. Not long ago Enterprise city was stuck in a time of Legacy. Separated by silos. Confused by misinformation. No source of Truth to be found anywhere.
Master Data is the Data in Charge
Master data is the most important data. It is the data in charge. Master Data is your most important data. It is the data in charge. It's in charge of your business. It is the most important data any enterprise has, any organization has. Not everybody realizes it. Not everybody treats it that way.
Benefits of Master Data
Thoughts about the MASTER DATA and ways to help you think about it. It's a common language for the common relationship types across an Enterprise. Does everybody have the same understanding? It's about rows and columns. It's about truth and meaning. It's about making good decisions.
4Cs of Master Data - In less than a minute
When you establish a relationship in an MDM process or in a Master Data process when you codify a relationship, we talk about these 4Cs : CODE, COMPANY, CATEGORY and COUNTRY.